About This Course:
If you are a supervisor, manager, HR professional, or business owner, you - and your organization and its employees - will benefit greatly from having a solid knowledge base with regards to key Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) compliance considerations.
You're off to a great start if you know - and follow - your company's EEO & harassment prevention policies (assuming they are sound and current), but that represents just the 'basics' of what you really need to know.
This session focuses on key risk management and harassment prevention needs of your organization, including what managers, supervisors, and HR professionals at all levels need to know in order to be able to prevent, recognize, and effectively deal with harassment in the workplace.
This includes an overview of the various equal employment opportunity regulations, what retaliation is and why avoiding it is so important, and key details regarding the role managers can play in lessening or worsening a company's risk and liability.
What You'll Learn:If you have supervisory or HR responsibilities, you need to be aware of the risks, implications and complications of EEO compliance, and that's exactly what you'll begin to develop as a result of attending this informative audio conference. Key topics include:
- Clarification of the scope and meaning of equal employment opportunity (EEO)
- Brief overview of EEO laws and regulations related to hiring and employment
- Key EEO terminology and concepts defined
- Overview of 'protected characteristics' as defined under federal law
- Clarification and examples to illustrate the meaning of workplace harassment and discrimination
- Recent statistics regarding EEO allegations and outcomes
- Best practices for preventing EEO compliance concerns
- Key tips for handling EEO complaints internally
Continuing Education Credits:
Click the 'Credits' tab above for information on PHR/SPHR, PDCs, and other CE credits offered by taking this course.