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FCRA: Risk-Based Pricing And Permissible Purpose

Webinar: ID# 1038310
Recorded On-Demand
About This Course:
The Fair Credit Reporting Act regulates the reporting and use of consumer credit reports. Violations of the Act can lead to pecuniary loss by unsuspecting entities.

This webinar helps the person or persons responsible for accurate reporting to establish, develop, and maintain best practices to avoid violations.

Additionally, it will help inform persons of the requirements to notice consumers as to the impact of risk-based pricing on products offered.

Finally, litigation strategies for prosecution and defense will be thoroughly explored.What You'll Learn:b>Permissible Purpose
  • Legitimate Business Purpose
  • Permissible Purpose in Connection With Credit
  • Permissible Purpose in Connection With Employment
Risk-Based Pricing
  • Notice Requirements
  • Credit Scores
  • Enforcement of Rights
Private Remedies and Public Enforcement
  • Party Selection and Venue Choice
  • Statute of Limitations
  • Discovery and Litigation
  • Defenses, Counterclaims, and Third-Party Claims
  • Damages and Public Enforcement
FCRA: Risk-Based Pricing And Permissible Purpose
or via On-Demand
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